viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009


TITULO ORIGINAL: 2012 Doomsday GENERO: Ciencia Ficción PAIS: Estados Unidos DURACION: 85 Minutos AÑO: 2008 DIRECTOR: Nick Everhart GUION: Nick Everhart INTERPRETES: Ami Dolenz, Cliff De Young, Dale Midkiff y Matthew Bolton PRODUCTOR: David Michael Latt, David Rimawi y Paul Bales MUSICA: Ralph Rieckermann FOTOGRAFÍA: Mark Atkins MONTAJE: Nick Everhart y Kate Noonan UPLOAD: Beowulf
SINOPSIS: El 21 de diciembre del 2012 cuatro extraños se embarcan en una travesía de fe hacia un antiguo templo maya en el corazón de México. Para los Mayas esta fecha será el último día de una nueva era. Para los científicos de la NASA es un cambio polar cataclísmico. Para el resto de nosotros, es el Día del juicio final.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009


The directors of the chiller "Shutter" created another terrifying horror film. This creepy film tells the story about the surviving half of a conjoined twin who starts to "see" her dead sister when she returns home to visit her dying mother. Through flashbacks we learn how the beautiful relationship between the sisters transforms in to a repressive bond that forced one of the sisters to ask for her mother's support for a separation. When one of the twins dies, she angrily returns from the dead to haunt her sister. Strong story, strong cast dealing with recognizable themes such as rivalry between sisters, romantic jealousy and good old family guilt. A cut above all other scary movies in recent years.

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